Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Week!

It snowed and snowed, and then snowed some more!
Has it ever snowed this much in Georgia?
I don't ever remember it.
It lasted a week this time, and little piles of it could be seen for
an additional week after that.
It was lots of fun ...for about two whole days!
We, who live in warm weather do not possess boots,
snow pants or other clothes.
Nor do our cities have snow plows, scrapers, sand or salt.
The snow still was beautiful and sparkled brightly every morning,
and we enjoyed it for a week..this one time!
The street
Isabelle sledding down on hill.

Our new house.

Joseph coming down the driveway.
The kids enjoying.


Jan said...

I think it is just fine for me to enjoy that snow through your blog. I don't even have to feel the cold that way:)

Karen said...

Pretty! Kind of neat that you got to keep the snow for so long, though I can imagine the novelty wore off pretty quickly.