Friday, October 26, 2012

Homeschool 2012-2013

Homeschool began slowly this year at the beginning of August while we were waiting on Samuel to be born.  We started slowly with only two subjects math and handwriting.
Main Math Curriculum
Isabelle moved on to a new to us math curriculum this year.  Her main math curriculum is Saxon 8/7.
We were so fortunate that when we asked around about Saxon one of my fantastic homechooling cousins offered us one of her copies and loaned me the teachers guide!  It has been a great way to try it out, and I have to say it seems to be a great fit for Isabelle.  Very straightforward and she can mostly figure it out on her own with a little guidance now and then.  She seems to have inherited a little emotion when it comes to getting stuck with a math problem!  I don't blame her one bit! 
Joseph is sticking with our tried and true Horizons math curriculum.  The only drawback with Horizons for us is that they have so many lessons and tests that it is simply impossible for us to finish in the 180 days of a typical school year, and therefor we have to do math for many more weeks.
Isabelle is finishing up her very last handwriting book.  She's using A Reason for Handwriting and she loves it.  She especially loves the last day of the week because of the coloring page! These are verses of Proverbs.  It's laid out to be done as a 4 (maybe 5 if you stretch it) day week.  Easy to do and a fun way to start your day.  It's not hard and makes you feel like you accomplished something right away.
Joseph is doing his last year of Handwriting Without Tears before moving on the A Reason for Handwriting.  This book is really fun.  They also include some grammar incorporated with the handwriting.
We started with these two subjects and then Samuel was born on August 8th, so it was easy to continue these for a few weeks and then we slowly added a few more subjects and started taking some classes which I'll post about later and hopefully that will not be like say months from now!

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